1443 Electrical rotating platform

Optika rotating platform allows students not only to verify the relations between the fundamental quantities which characterize rotational motion, but also to perform experiments on an important topic: inertial and non-inertial systems. What is seen by an observer on an inertial system is different from what is seen by an observer on a non-inertial system.
In this way students are allowed to understand which is the origin and which are the results of fictitious forces as the centrifugal force and Coriolis force.
Thanks to this platform, you are able to study a lot of fundamental topics as the effects of Coriolis force on solids and liquids and understand why a athematical instrument as the cross product was so important. By which magnitudes the centrifugal force depends on? Let’s perform some experiences with OPTIKA rotating platform.


• The relativity of motion
• Galileo equations
• Invariant and non-invariant quantities
• The principle of relativity
• Non-inertial references
• Systems with tangential acceleration only
• Motion in two dimensions
• Uniform circular motion
• Centripetal force
• Systems with only radial acceleration
• Rotating platform
• Centrifugal force
• Effects of centrifugal force
• Conical pendulum
• Coriolis force
• Examples of Coriolis forces
• Properties of Coriolis force
• The Earth: a rotating reference system
• The centrifugal force on the Earth’s surface
• Coriolis force on the Earth’s surface
• A proof of the Earth’s rotation: Foucault pendulum

Feasible experiments

1. Centripetal force
2. A fictitious force: the centrifugal force (needed: Apparatus for centrifugal force 1445)
3. Lack of centripetal force: what happens?
4. Centrifugal forces in equilibrium (needed: Coaxial cylinders 1447)
5. How to use centrifugal force to separate a mixture (needed: Apparatus with inclined test tubes 1082)
6. How to use centrifugal force to dry linen
7. Centrifugal force and Earth shape (needed: Apparatus with elastic rings 1094)
8. Watt’s regulator (needed: Watt’s regulator 1093)
9. White light: Newton’s Disk (needed: Newton’s Disk 1097)
10. Conical pendulum
11. Properties of conical pendulum (needed: Conical pendulum 1450)
12. How to verify centripetal and centrifugal forces formula (needed: Conical pendulum 1450)
13. Another fictitious force: Coriolis force (needed: Apparatus for Coriolis force 1451)
14. Coriolis force acting on a water jet (needed: Apparatus for water jet 1452)
15. Coriolis force acting on a pendulum (needed: Simple pendulum 1453)
16.Observer in a non-inertial system (needed: Simple pendulum 1453)
17. How to verify Coriolis law with an experiment (needed: Apparatus for Coriolis force 1451)
18. When Coriolis force is zero (needed: Apparatus for falling water 1458)
19. Foucault’s pendulum (needed: Simple pendulum 1453)

Accessories (not included) for Electrical rotating platform

Camera kit 1455
Apparatus for centrifugal force 1445 (To performe experiment n° 2)
Coaxial cylinders 1447 (To performe experiment n° 4)
Apparatus with inclined test tubes 1082 (To performe experiment n° 5)
Apparatus with elastic rings 1094 (To performe experiment n° 7)
Watt’s regulator 1093 (To performe experiment n° 8)
Newton’s Disk 1097 (To performe experiment n° 9)
Bowl with dye 1459 (To be used with code 1452 and code 1458.)
Conical pendulum 1450 (To performe experiments n° 11-12.)
Apparatus for Coriolis force 1451 (To performe experiments n° 13-17.)
Simple pendulum 1453 (To performe experiments n°15-16-19.)
Smartphone 1460
Apparatus for water jet 1452 (To performe experiment n° 14.)
Apparatus for falling water 1458 (To performe experiment n° 18.)

1443 Electrical rotating platform